Most Effective Ways to Overcome Impersonation on Social Networking Site’s Problem

In this article you will learn Social Networking Sites, Insider Threats, Type of Insider Threats and Insider Attack Effective etc. Impersonation on Social Networking Sites Today social networking sites are widely used by many people that allow them to build online profiles, share information, pictures, blog entries, music clips, and so on. Thus, it is relatively easier for an attacker to impersonate someone, The victim is likely to trust them and eventually reveal information that would help the attacker gain access to a system. This section describes how to perform social engineering through impersonation using various social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and highlights risks these sites pose to corporate networks. Social Engineering through Impersonation on Social Networking Sites As social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are widely used, attackers used them as a vehicle for impersonation. There are two way...